Saturday, December 3, 2011

Local regulations block the path out of poverty | New Hampshire OPINION02

Local regulations block the path out of poverty New Hampshire OPINION02

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting discussion regardless of your views on the Libertarian overtones. I have found some of the strongest evidence of the American dream from the back of a taxi cab.

    In Denver years ago, my taxi driver told me about how he and his wife had started driving cabs and had evolved to owning the cab company and branching into limo services.

    In Boston on the way to an investment conference my cab driver had so much knowledge in investing that I gave him my extra ticket and we attended the conference together.

    This year in Washington, another cab driver described being a captain in the Ethopian army during the Korean war. He looked much younger, but I confirmed his age in an article about his attendance at the Korean War Memorial dedication. NATO allies during the war were offered US citizenship. I have found few people who love this country more and were as proud of the work he did. I am looking forward to a book coming out about his life in the next year.
