Sunday, December 18, 2011

Letter: Buy American | Concord Monitor

Letter: Buy American Concord Monitor

1 comment:

  1. I always have mixed feelings when I see the "Buy American" campaigns. New Hampshire artisans produce amazing products matching high quality with reasonable prices. Marketing these products is always a good idea.

    The United States is the greatest market in the world, but it needs to demand the highest quality products. Our manufacturers must meet these high standards or be punished by our markets. That is what will correct our economy.

    Subsidies for our products or import taxes on foreign goods often allow lower quality domestic products to survive. This will only help companies in the short term, as quality will suffer. Instead demand higher quality products from our imports. The number of recalls on Chinese imports is staggering. Instead of attacking all imports, we should have no tolerance for these inferior products being flooded into our markets.

    Good Americans need not accept lower quality products to be good Americans. The American market must only accept the best products. Once that bar has been set, I have full confidence that the innovation and quality of American products will again balance our economy.
