Even on vacation, civil engineers have a unique ability to recognize engineering accomplishments that somehow our spouses failed to see. As my wife and I are spending a few days in the outer banks, a number of unique engineering challenges are apparent. Some that are similar to what we see in New England , others that are unique to this region.
The ones most evident are the light houses. Touring any local shop in town will provide calendars and pictures of these often photographed features in every possible light from every possible angle. The size of these large brick structures is impressive. Many have been moved since they were active to inland locations less susceptible to erosion, wind, and ocean tides. Lately public access to many national landmarks are slowly disappearing either due a function of maintenance needs or security issues.
Walking along the beach, sections of fencing can be seen oriented to foster the health of the dunes. The fencing would recall for New Englanders the fences set up during the winter to discourage the drifting of snow in exposed sections of highway.
The dunes provide a natural barrier between the ocean and the inland features. They also provide a haven for many of the wildlife in the area. Patrolling the dunes are a number of wild horses that have adapted to the coarse grasses that grow along the dunes. The horses look as tough as the grasses that grow with a higher tolerance for salt, stomachs adapted to the limited vegetation and an acceptance of the many vehicles that share the beach environment.
The sand below the waves also changes continuously and sometimes radically. On lazy days on the beach, one can witness daily changes in the way the waves come ashore as sands under the water shift constantly and create new patterns for the waves rising and breaking on shore. This was very evident following a storm where this large object was spotted for a few days. It was a distance off shore so I didn't have an opportunity to inspect it up close. It appeared to be a large anchor with the head and two spines sticking out of the water. It was visible for two days, but completely gone the third day. It had disappeared before I had a chance to investigate.
Looking at the houses in the outer bank, it is interesting that as spectacular as the architecture and stature of the buildings, the bottom floors are built almost sacrificially. These large structures are built almost like pole buildings with the main living spaces usually on the second or third floor. The bottom floors are often sided with lattice work with the basement rooms almost anticipating a day when the waters could wash through the house.
We drove through very somberly knowing that only a slight change of fates in either North Carolina or even at our home in New Hampshire and we would share the fate of these property owners. Our trips to the Outer Banks are spent with good friends with a lot of stories told and a great deal of laughter. It would be hard to imagine the loss of the vacation home that has been our home away from home for more than five years now.
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