Saturday, November 26, 2011

My Turn: Burying power lines is win-win for taxpayers | Concord Monitor

My Turn: Burying power lines is win-win for taxpayers Concord Monitor

Northern Pass Middle Ground

It has been my experience with cell towers that the sides polarize so quickly that no one is left to negotiate the middle ground. I see many similarities in the Northern Pass debate. That is not to say those against the project need to give in, but what happens if, in spite of their best efforts, the project still moves forward? Making this simply a win or lose proposition is not in the best interest of the state. Someone needs to occupy the middle ground to make sure the best interests of the citizens and their communities are kept in mind regardless of the ultimate outcome.

As reported in a previous blog, New Hampshire electrical rates are the third highest in the country behind only New York and Hawaii. If the project goes through, there should be some stipulation that New Hampshire electrical rates are indexed to the average rate in New England in some manner. As PSNH is not the only electrical company servicing New Hampshire, this will take some legalese, but given the money wasted on ill advised ad campaigns, this is a modest investment.

Easement rights should be defined. Utility easements are significant off-road travel corridors for hiking, horseback riding, ATV, cross country skiing, and snow mobiling. The public access to these corridors should be well defined and methodologies for maintaining these corridors need to be defined and discussed to the benefit of the communities and protection of the environment.

Co-location rights need to be defined. If Northern Pass moves forward, it should be developed as a central highway for multiple utilities. It is likely that having an established trunkline for energy transmission could also inspire a number of wind project developments. If this was a significant roadway, we would be discussing the secondary growth that will be promoted by the new road. Should there be a master plan for northern New Hampshire wind development? That would be speculative and probably overkill, but we should, as a minimum, establish some defined development protocols so that the smaller communities are prepared for any resulting projects.

What is the appropriate mitigation for view sheds, land values, and secondary impacts within a town? Should there be local quotas for labor during construction? Should part of the revenue of the project be dedicated to conservation projects, community development, or other local programs?

According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, New Hampshire ranks in the top twenty worst states for emissions from power plants. The top three leading plants for toxic emissions are owned by PSNH including the Merrimack Station in Bow, Schiller Station in Portsmouth, and the Newington Station in Newington. If Northern Pass is going to go through with impacts to northern New Hampshire, is it reasonable to consider using some of this new energy to offset the shutdown of some of these existing plants?

There is a need for a statewide energy master plan to include Northern Pass's effects, Seabrook Nuclear Station, other existing plants, and future plants including renewable energy sources. This would allow a broader discussion of our energy future across the state. Since electrical transmission is a regional commodity, not typically reviewed at the state level, the idea of a statewide master plan is discarded as an uninformed suggestion. This is the easy way out of true leadership at the statewide level. It is the only political division that can properly address this issue to the satisfaction of its citizens.

I would also like to see from the environmental community better definition of their priorities. Again, simply opposing a project is a dangerous position. We need to better define the items that are absolute deal breakers and those areas where mitigative measures could make the project more palatable. Better defining what is at stake environmentally may even strengthen the opposition to the Northern Pass.

We are so focused on whether the Northern Pass will be allowed that we are assuring that if it does go through only one side will be happy. Having someone looking at the middle ground is not admitting defeat, it simply ensures that even if the project moves forward there will be benefits for all parties.

AUDIO: CERN has completed 80% of search for Higgs Boson, but nothing found yet

There have quietly been very interesting findings/achievements in physics. On slow news days I throw in a few for consumption. I will admit a full explaination of Higgs boson will make your head hurt, but its existance is a fundamental part of the standard model of particle physics.

For context here is the Wikipedia entry for Higgs boson:

Here is a current article on the CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) progress:

Article on unsubstantiated location of Higgs boson:

Conn., New Hampshire students win EPA grants

Conn., New Hampshire students win EPA grants

Steel framework of municipal complex nearly done | New Hampshire NEWS07

Steel framework of municipal complex nearly done New Hampshire NEWS07

Friday, November 25, 2011

World's Scariest Bridges

Not exactly "NH Infrastructure", but it will make us feel better about our bridges.

A Little Greener Next Year

There are a number of Green Transportation programs developing across the country. To some extent they started with the LEEDs program and worked to adapt the system to the transportation field. Here are a few of those programs:

University of Washington's Greenroads program. See powerpoint presentation for overview.

New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Greenlites program

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Green Highways Program
ASCE - Announcing a Sustainable Infrastructure Rating System

A great New Year's Resolution would be to learn more about these programs and try to integrate these practices into our future projects. New Engineers, knowledge of sustainable engineering praqctices is a great opportunity to distinguish yourself.

PennDot's 100-year Bridge Life Initiative

This presentation was dated January, 2007, but still is relevant for its approach and findings.

Energy-Which Countries lead in Renewable Energy?

Top Ten Countries in Wind Energy.

Top Ten Countries in Solar Energy.

Top Countries in Hydro Power.

Top Countries in Renewable Energy.

Operator had earlier debris dumping case | Concord Monitor

Operator had earlier debris dumping case Concord Monitor

Allenstown: Whistleblower tips dump - Page 2 | Concord Monitor

Allenstown: Whistleblower tips dump - Page 2 Concord Monitor

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

2012 NH Water & Watershed Conference Call for Abstracts

Dredging Today – USA: Hampton Harbor Needs Dredging

Dredging Today – USA: Hampton Harbor Needs Dredging

Irene Brings New Lines, Damage to Tuckerman Ravine - Backcountry Magazine

Irene Brings New Lines, Damage to Tuckerman Ravine - Backcountry Magazine

New Hampshire leads in land conservation - Environment

New Hampshire leads in land conservation - Environment: New Hampshire has conserved more land in the past five years
than most of the country, according to the latest census released
by the Land Tru…

Hand-held scanner assesses integrity of concrete structures

A concrete solution

Sunday, November 20, 2011

International Infrastructure

Since June 28, 2011, I have been posting relevent articles on New Hampshire infrastructure while throwing in occational original blogs. During that time there has been a number of international readers especially from Russia ("Blogger" may be identifying a region more than a country), India, and Germany.

I would be interested in hearing more about the challenges that you face in your own countries. We often face challenges in the physical condition of the infrastructure, regulatory challenges, political challenges, leadership challenges, and always challenges in how to pay for it.

I would also be interested in the cultural aspects. For the number of Northern Pass articles that are in the newspapers there are hundreds of signs along our highways supporting or denouncing the project.

Not to single out Russia, India, and Germany, I would welcome response from any of the international readers.

Advantage, still: NH in the bad economy | New Hampshire OPINION01

Advantage, still: NH in the bad economy New Hampshire OPINION01

Reps. hear Northern Pass plan in Canada | New Hampshire NEWS15

Reps. hear Northern Pass plan in Canada New Hampshire NEWS15

Congress faces new budget battles | Concord Monitor

Congress faces new budget battles Concord Monitor

Letter: Astounding argument on climate change | Concord Monitor

Letter: Astounding argument on climate change Concord Monitor

Exit 17 supermarket violates master plan | Concord Monitor

Exit 17 supermarket violates master plan Concord Monitor

State panel: Repudiate feds' funds - | Concord Monitor

This article cites the use of federal funds to pay for a sewerline in Laconia as one of the typical overreaches of the federal government. I would like a clarification on the mechanisms that should be used to pay for these investments as often the alternative is that they are not funded at all.

State panel: Repudiate feds' funds -  Concord Monitor

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Airport access road dedicated | New Hampshire NEWS02

Airport access road dedicated New Hampshire NEWS02

National security depends on energy security - Wire - Lifestyle -

National security depends on energy security - Wire - Lifestyle -

Trash to remain co-op's prerogative for now | New Hampshire NEWS06

Trash to remain co-op's prerogative for now New Hampshire NEWS06

My Turn: PSNH - like its customers - was really in the dark | Concord Monitor

My Turn: PSNH - like its customers - was really in the dark Concord Monitor

In Her Own Words: 'Pollution does not stop at state borders' | Concord Monitor

In Her Own Words: 'Pollution does not stop at state borders' Concord Monitor

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dredging awaits federal funds

Dredging awaits federal funds

Estimate says burying power lines would cost $43b | New Hampshire NEWS02

Estimate says burying power lines would cost $43b New Hampshire NEWS02

How did telecom services handle the storm? Hard to say -

How did telecom services handle the storm? Hard to say -

Legislators trying to get down to most basic issues -

Legislators trying to get down to most basic issues -

Nashua’s final few grateful to have power restored; City begins damage assessment -

Nashua’s final few grateful to have power restored; City begins damage assessment -

New England: More steps taken in dead seal probe | Concord Monitor

New England: More steps taken in dead seal probe Concord Monitor

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

PSNH customers still waiting for signs of the calvary -

PSNH customers still waiting for signs of the calvary -

Berlin: U.S. Senate okays prison funds | Concord Monitor

Berlin: U.S. Senate okays prison funds Concord Monitor

Second UNH Department of Civil Engineering Alumni Conference

You are invited to the Second UNH Department of Civil Engineering Alumni Conference to be held on April 30, 2012 at the University of New Hampshire, Durham campus.  The Conference will be a forum for alumni of the Civil Engineering Department to return to UNH and share with students and faculty their experiences, including professional project work, research, and/or other notable career achievements since leaving UNH. The Conference will also provide a collegial forum for alumni to hear from and interact with both students and faculty.  The Conference will include formal presentations, as well as less formal panel discussions, with topics across the breadth of civil engineering. Social activities and a celebratory banquet are also planned.  You can find more information, including registration information, at the following link: